Monday, 18 April 2016

                    HOW TO ANALYZE BLENDED ENERGY?                   A SCIENTIFIC APPROACH
मिश्रित एनरजी  क्यों इस्तेमाल करें?
उत्तम गुणवत्ता का चयन कैसे करें?
एक वैज्ञानिक दृष्टिकोण
यह पोल्ट्री से जुङे किसानों ,विज्ञानिकों, विशेषज्ञों या चिकित्सक इत्यादि के लिए अति उत्तम जानकारी प्रदान करता है और मिश्रित एनरजी समबन्धित सारी भ्रांतियों को दूर करता है।
Video of Presentation by Mr Ajaya Sharma Director,             Rnk Agro & Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. at Lucknow 10th March 2016 
International Poultry Expo 2016
A complete information on blended fat never given before with such exhaustive details clearing all doubts on blended Energy source.

Part भाग1
Part भाग 2
Part भाग 3
Part भाग 4

Part भाग 5

Friday, 15 April 2016

International Poultry Event

Lucknow 9-11 th April 2016

It was short and crisp presentation in Hindi  by our Director Mr Ajaya Sharma मिश्रित एनरजी क्यों इस्तेमाल करें? उत्तम गुणवत्ता का चयन कैसे करें? एक वैज्ञानिक दृष्टिकोण
at Lucknow event International Poultry Expo 2016 organised by Poultry Media Events on 10th April 2016.

This is part of our continous effort to popularise usage of Blended Energy by Poultry Industry to economise Feed and improve its efficasy.
Besides we had also set up a stall  showcasing our product BROFAT RHT II highlighting its benefits, usages and testing procedures.

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Monday, 11 April 2016

ब्रोफैट क्या है ?

ब्रोफैट रासायनिक ईन्जीनियंग तक्नीक का बेचोड़ नमूना है।. जिसमें संतुलित मात्रा में संतृप्त फैटी एसिड(SAFA), एकल असंतृप्त फैटी एसिड (MUFA) व बहुसंतृप्त फैटी एसिड (PUFA), एन्टीऔक्सीडेन्ट इन्ज़ाईम तथा फॉस्फोलिपिड होने से इसका साधारण तेलों से भिन्न स्वरूप है।
यह मिश्रित वनस्पति स्रोतों से बना संपूर्ण शाकाहारी  पोल्ट्री संपूरक आहार है।
यह सभी नस्ल के ब्रोइलरों और अंडे देने वाली मुर्गियो को खिलाया जा सकता है।
पोल्ट्री ईन्डस्ट्री में फैट कई रंग रूप व प्रकार के जैसे कि क्रूड सोया तेल, पाम का तेल व राईसब्रान तेल इत्यादि आहार में मुख्यतः ऊर्जा पूर्ति हेतु उपयोग होते है।
विश्व भर व भारत  में खाध्य तेलों की बढती मांग ।सोल्वेंट एक्सट्रैक्शन एसोशियेशन (SEA) के अनुमान अनुसार खाध्य तेल की मांग 2025 तक प्रति वर्ष 3 प्रतिशत की दर से बढते हुए 2 करोङ 78 लाख टन हो सकती है या कहीं अधिक । उधर पोल्ट्री फीड के निर्माताओं का  क्रूड वनस्पति तेलों व खाध्य तेलों पर बढती निर्भरता भावों में तेजी को बढावा देती है। ऍसे में खाध्य तेलों पर बढती निर्भरता देश के अति हानिकारक हो सकती है ।
क्रूड वनस्पति तेलों व खाध्य तेलों की आवशयकता नहीं अपितु  किफायती तेल ही सही है क्योंकि क्रूड वनस्पति तेल व खाध्य तेल या तो अधिक या कम गुणकारी होते हैं अर्थात् सही मायनों में अनुपयुक्त हैं।
उदाहरणतः सोयाबीन तेल में  संतृप्त फैटी एसिड SAFA, मोनो असंतृप्त फैटी एसिडMUFA की मात्रा कम और  PUFA बहु असंतृप्त फैटी एसिड अति अधिक,जिससे वह आक्सीकरण के प्रति संवेदरशील व कीमती है। उधर राईसब्रान तेल में कम ऊर्जा लगभग 7800 किलो केलोरी प्रति कि.,गाद व मोम की मिलावट 2 से 3 प्रतिशत , गैर ट्राईग्लिसराइड मिश्रण की अधिक मात्रा , कैलशियम व फासफोरस का असन्तुलन तथा फासफोलिपिड की मात्रा भी  कम है वहीं पाम का तेल कम उर्जा 7400 कि. कैलोरी, संतृप्त फैटी एसिड SAFA की मात्रा अधिक, जमने की समस्या ऊपर से आयोडीन की मात्रा कम।.
फैक्ट्री से निकले तेलों की समस्या है उनका रखरखाव उन्हें अधिक समय रख पाना कठिन होता है क्योंकि वह तुरन्त आकसिडाईज. हो जाते हैं।  
तेलों की मुर्गी को आवश्यकता न केवल ऊर्जा के लिए अपितु आवश्यक पोषक तत्व जैसे अमीनो एसिड,आहार में अनिवार्य तत्व जैसे लिनोलीक acid (18:2, n-6) एवं लिनोलेनिक acid (18:3, n-3) आसानी से अवशोषित हो जाते हैं. (Dvorin, et al., 1998) फैट में घुलनशील होने के कारण विटामिन A,D,E K आसानी से अवशोषित हो जाते हैं.(Iqbal and Hussain, 2009) जोकि की रखरखाव व उर्जा तथा विकास और अच्छे अण्डे देने में भी अपनी अहम भूमिका निभाते हैं।
पोल्ट्री आहार की अति ऊर्जा आपूर्ति हेतु फैट कारबोज व प्रोटीन से बेहतर विकल्प है। उपर से फैट अपने साथ दूसरे आवश्यक तत्वों का भी अवशोशन बढाता है। दूसरे आवशयक तत्वों के बढते दामों के कारण भी फैट एक अच्छा विकल्प दिखाई देता है।
फैट पाचन व ऊपचय ऊर्जा अवशोषण पर जानकारी अधिकतर 20 से 30 वर्ष पुरानी है जबकि आजकल की नस्लों की पाचन व ऊपचय ऊर्जा अवशोषण क्षमता पहले से अधिक विकसित है (यंग 1961, लैजांयर व साथी 1982, वाईजंमैन व साथी 1986) का ऐसा मानना है।
आजकल की नई नस्लों पर की गयी रिसर्च और उनसे मिली जानकारी एकत्रित कर हमने आपके समक्ष एक मिश्रित फैट ब्रोफैट आर एच टी ।।  बनाया है

BROFAT RHT II ब्रोफेट की विशेषताएं
· उच्च AME(आभासी उपचय उर्जा) + अतिरिक्त केलोरिक मूल्य,
· संतुलित मात्रा में SAFA(संतृप्त फैटी एसिड), MUFA(मोनो असंतृप्त फैटी एसिड) एवं PUFA(बहु असंतृप्त फैटी एसिड),  
· यह फैट, अमीनो फैटी एसिड, पोषक तत्व तथा विटामिनो के अवशोषण को बढ़ाता है.
· यह इमल्शन बनाने में सहायक है तथा लाइपेज़ की क्रियाशीलता बढाकर आहार नली में भोजन की गति को तीव्र करता है.
· यह उष्मीय तनाव कम करता है,
· परओक्साइड मूल्य कम और सिथर होने के कारण देर तक खराब नहीं होता.
· यह आहार को अधिक समय तक रोककर रखता है.
· यह देखने और स्वाद में बेहतर है तथा बेहतर समन्वय गुणों के कारण पिसे हुऐ दाने दाने में समानता से घुल मिल जाता है.
· निम्न MIU(नमी, अघुलनशीलता, असाबुनिकरण गुण), उच्च उर्जा (8800 किलोकेलोरी/किलोग्राम),
· पर्याप्त फस्फोलिपिड के कारण वसा(फैट) की पाचकता एवं अवशोषण अधिक होता है.
· यदि आरंभ से खिलाया जाये तो इसका प्रदर्शन सर्वश्रेष्ठ होता है क्योंकि इसे पचाना आसान है.
· यह अंडो का उत्पादन व उर्वरता को बढ़ाता है. इससे असामान्य अन्डो की संख्या और भ्रूण मृत्युदर में कमी होती है.
· इसमें सवतंत्र फैटी एसिड (FFA)सथाई होने के कारण इसकी शेल्फ लाइफ 6 माह है और यह शीघ्र खराब नहीं होता.
· यह सभी नस्ल के ब्रोइलरों और अंडे देने वाली मुर्गियो को खिलाया जा सकता है.
मुर्गी का माँस अधिक रसीला व पोषक बनता है

 अधिक जानकारी हेतु देखें हिन्दी मे छपा पत्रक

पृष्ठ संख्या १ 

पृष्ठ संख्या २ 

RNK TEAM BROFAT-Telengana headed by Mr P. Suresh Kumar Area Sakes Manager and Mr Srikant.Samala Sales Coordinator FARMER TRAINING PROGRAMME on BIO SECURITY NEEDS at Balanagar, Shadnagar mandal, Telengana on 6th April 2016
The meeting was attended by farmers and 1 supervisor of the Farm. All visited inside farm with everyone wearing face masks, shoe covering and gloves. All went through a fresh shower and wore non contaminated shirts.
Our team took them around and educated all about the need to follow BIO SECURITY norms. 
This farm had an incinerator for disposal of dead birds and the team ensured the usage of the incinerator in the presence of Farm owner.
Everyone concerned were very excited about this program and assured a regular compliance. Our team informed them we make surprise visit to check if such compliance has been followed. If proven usage then we shall continue our support with supplies of disposables.

Do you know if fully absorbed in the lumen it increases net ME (metabolized energy) thus net gain in extra caloric value?
For proper digestion and assimilation of endogenous fat which is primarily saturated fatty acids such as palmitic and stearic supported by oleic and linoleic acids- just the same as found in balanced blend of Fat. BROFAT RHT II does that job efficiently. That is why we have numerous satisfied customers willingly endorsing the product.

For details read the comment section of the article. How BROFAT RHT II can help absorb the endogenous fat for improved ME of the diet?

Digestion and Absorption of Fat by Chicken

By Dr. Sanjib Kumar Pratihar-G.M.Technical-Rnk Agro & Chemicals P.Ltd. Brofat Division

How Fats Work and Chicken Digestive System? 

Two excellent reviews on the digestion of fats in poultry are available (Freeman, 1984; Krogdahl, 1985)Poultry (chickens, geese, turkeys etc) have a distinctive digestion system, which has some clear differences to the digestion of ruminants or other monogastric animals. Their digestive system is comparatively short, so each food particle remains only approximately 6 hours in the digestive system.
In such a short time the chicken must be able to absorb as much nutrients as possible from its feed. It's also interesting to note that the digestive system of a chicken develops very fast: a chick can digest fibers as well as an adult chicken.

Poultry have no teeth or soft palate. They peck food with their beaks, and especially chickens have no problem eating hard or stringy material. All food particles are swallowed whole without chewing. The saliva has no active amylases so no digestion happens in the mouth or esophagus. In breeder and layer birds, Farmers cut the beaks of the chicks, which is effective in preventing the birds from pecking each others in frustration.

The digestive tract consists of the beak, the esophagus which widens into crop, Lower esophagus, proventriculus, gizzard, duodenum, jejunum and ileum, caeca, large intestine and cloaca.
From the beak, food slides down into esophagus, after swallowing and covers approximately 35 cm long, covering 17 % of the length of the entire digestive tract. It secretes mucus which lubricates the esophagus.
The crop is not a stomach, it is simply a small sac used to store and moisten feed. The crop secretes enzymes which digest starch and proteins, and has some microbial activity as well, resulting in formation of lactic acid and acetic acid.

After the crop is moist, partially digested food mass enters the proventriculus (glandular stomach). Like crop, the proventriculus is found only in birds. The proventriculus secretes HCI, pepsin and mucus, which start the actual enzymatic digestion. Food travels through the proventriculus very fast: it is covered in gastric juices, but doesn't stay in the proventriculus to be digested. For actual digestion and mechanical breaking food enters the actual stomach, the gizzard. The gizzard is surrounded by strong muscles, which contract pendulum like and break food particles. The muscles are set in two pairs, thick and thin pairs of muscle. Muscle contractions (Smulikowska, 1998) also mix the enzymes well with the food mass. The internal wall of the gizzard has koilin fibres, which stick out from the wall like tiny teeth, further aiding in breaking food particles mechanically.
This state of food is called Digesta which shuttles between the proventriculus and gizzard to optimize enzymatic and mechanical digestive actions.
This liquid digesta is then pushed through pylorus into the duodenum (klasing, 1999). In chickens the reflux process is continuous, enabling penetration of the gizzard by duodenal contents during the contractile period of the gizzard and proventriculus (Sklan
Liver and pancreas excrete important digestive enzymes. The relatively large liver of a chicken has two segments. Bile is excreted directly from the left segment of the liver to duodenum (beginning of the small intestine). The right segment has a duct to the gall bladder, which again has a duct to duodenum. Pancreas is located near duodenum, and excretes lipolytic, protelytic and amylolytic enzymes. It is interesting to note that chickens produce no lactase, because their nutrition does not include milk derivatives. Chickens also lack the enzymes needed to digest cellulose, hemicelluloses and beta glucans. Commercially available enzymes can be added to chicken feed to enhance digestibility. The bile salts in the gizzard are amphipatic which means they are both hydrophobic (water fearing) and hydrophilic (water loving) as showninFig1
Bile consists of water, bile pigments, bile salts, phospholipids such as lecithin, and neutral fats such as cholesterol, glycerides and inorganic ions. No published data are available on the composition of bile of poultry and other animals but in the chicken it has been reported that high level of glycolithocholic acid, followed by taurocholic acid (Yeh and Hwang, 2001) are found.
When the concentration of bile salts in the lumen is at or above “critical micelle concentration”, they arrange themselves on the surface of lipid digestion particles as shown in Fig.2.with their hydrophobic ends inwards and hydrophilic ends outwards (such as FFA, monoglyceride, cholesterol and lysolecithins) forming “Mixed Micelles”(Garrett and Young, 1975) to get their lipid contents absorbed actively. This process is also called fat emulsification, which is necessary for the subsequent stages of digestion and absorption in the duodenum and jejunum.

Fig 1

Fig 2
The shuttling of digesta between the gizzard and duodenum also increases the time the feed is exposed to the digestive enzymes and favors fat absorption in the upper parts of small intestine (Smulikowska, 1998).
The presence of Fat in the duodenum stimulates the secretion of cholecystokinin which in turn regulates secretions of pancreatic enzymes and bile (krogdahl, 1985). The bile salts are released from the gall bladder to emulsify fat in the chime. Pancreatic lipase acts as a catalyst to hydrolyze fat with the aid of co lipase (Erlanson The pancreatic lipase activity can be inhibited by the high concentration of bile salts. Co lipase binds to the surface of the lipid droplets and acts as an anchor for lipase allowing pancreatic lipase to digest Triglycerides (Borgstrom, 1980). Triglycerides are hydrolyzed by the action of pancreatic lipase as in Figure 2. One of the products of this hydrolysis is Free fatty acid (FFA) which including other products such as Lysolecithins and long chain fatty acids, medium chain fatty acids, monoglyceride and phospholipids, mix to form Micelles with bile salts as shown in Figure 3. These micelles are then transported to the mucosal surface and pass through the brush border membrane (krogdahl, 1985)
Some researchers have reported that activity of lipase can be inhibited by Free fatty acids (Van Kuiken and Behnke 1994) but they further qualified this statement by adding that Unsaturated fatty acids increased lipase activity but long chain fatty acids particularly Stearic acid (present in high % in Palm oil and Animal fat such as Tallow/Lard) inhibited lipase activity.Thus FFA consisting mostly of unsaturated fats does not inhibit Lipase activity than FFA having more % of Saturated fat.
 After the gizzard the food enters the small intestine, which is short compared to mammals. Most nutrients are digested and absorbed in the small intestine. The intestine has two kinds of glands: intestinal glands secrete lipolytic, protelytic and amylolytic enzymes, and glands of the mucous membrane secrete maltase, isomaltase, peptidase, saccharase and palatinase. The small intestine of chickens is divided to two, duodenum and ileum, compared to the three-part intestine of mammals. Ileum alone is 120 cm long, and comprises nearly 60 % of the length of the entire digestive system.

Chickens have two caeca (singular: caecum), which assist in digesting fibers and non-starch polysaccharides. Caeca are approximately 8 cm long. Caeca are full of microbes, and they are located in the junction of the small and large intestine. The large intestine is very short, and ends in a cloaca. Together they are about 6 cm long (5 % of the length of the digestive tract). The oviduct and uric acid are also secreted to the cloaca, so both feces, uric acid and eggs come out from the cloaca, which ends in the anus.

The large intestine is very short, and ends in a cloaca. Together they are about 6 cm long (5 % of the length of the digestive tract). The oviduct and uric acid are also secreted to the cloaca, so both feces, uric acid and eggs come out from the cloaca, which ends in the anus.

  Absorption of fats 

How do Fats get absorbed?

Fats or triglycerides are enzymatically digested by lipase into a monoglyceride and two free fatty acids. Most of Fatty acids derived after lipase hydrolysis are insoluble, the solubilisation of these lipolytic products is required which is established through micelle formation. The micelle formation is the aggregation of hydrophobic components (fatty acids) brought together by ampiphatic molecules such as bile salts and monoglyceride. In addition to these physiological amphipatic molecules sometimes feed added exogenous emulsifiers have also the properties to display this effect. In the process of micelle formation, amphipatic molecule, which comprises both hydrophilic (water-attracting) and hydrophobic (water repelling) properties in one molecule, functions as a bridge between fat and water, around which hydrophobic fatty acids can orientate themselves. The hydrophilic “heads “of the fatty acids will face the aqueous environment of the digesta, leaving hydrophobic “tails” of the fatty acids to format the core of the micelle (fig2.). These spherical micelle structures are able to solubulise fatty acids in the intestinal tract together with other fat soluble components like phospholipids, cholesterol and fat-soluble vitamins.
Micellar solubulisation can increase the aqueous concentration of fatty acids and monoglyceride in the small intestine up to a thousand times. It is assumed that most of absorption of the micelle contents by the enterocytes takes place through passive diffusion.
By now we know that Fat digestion and absorption takes place in the small intestine (Freeman, 1976; Hurwitz; Krogdahl, 1985) However, some researchers’ claim differently making it a controversial issue. We stop at this and proceed to show through a diagram (Fig.4) below the process of fat digestion and absorption.
After the digestion short chain fatty acids and monoglyceride are absorbed passively from the intestinal lumen to mesentery blood vessels via intestinal cells (pond Whereas long chain saturated fatty acids, diglycerides, fat soluble vitamins and cholesteryl esters require solubilisation in the hydrophobic cores of mixed micelles, which are then transported to the intestinal cells. Some researchers realize that movement of fatty acids are influenced by proteins which have highest affinity for unsaturated fatty acids than for the saturated fatty acids and almost no affinity for short and medium chain fatty acids.(Davenport,1980; Ockner; katongole and March, 1979; Ockner and Manning,1974.).Inside intestinal cells, monoglyceride and long chain fatty acids are rebuilt into triglycerides and together with cholesterol, lipoproteins and lysolecithins, are assembled into portomicrons (Stevens, 2004). Around 15% of fatty acids present in the lumen are catabolised in the mucosal epithelium towards the maintenance energy requirement (Noy and Sklan, 1996). Short chain fatty acids and free glycerol are absorbed directly through passive uptake (Gropper The portomicrons, short chain fatty acids and free glycerol are transported through the portal venous system to the liver since the bird’s lymphatic system is not as developed as the mammals (Bensadoun and Rothfield, 1972). Very low density lipoproteins carry triglycerides from the liver to the extra hepatic tissues like the ovary (for egg yolk synthesis) or muscle (for energy) (Phan and Tso, 2001)

Digestion of Lipid
Absorption of Lipid

Endogenous Fat Secretion:

Apart from lipid absorption of extraneous dietary fat, the animal also extracts fat through continuous secretion of endogenous lipids into the lumen of the intestinal tract. The primary sources of this endogenous fat are bile and scraped intestinal epithelial cells (Clement, 1980). These endogenous lipids mix with dietary lipids and are partially digested and absorbed. The unabsorbed fraction passing beyond the ileum is considered loss to the animal, and measurement of these losses is essential to calculate the true digestibility of the lipids.

It was reported that the endogenous fatty acid losses in the ileal digesta and excreta of birds fed by balanced oil diet were lower than the ones fed with imbalanced or high acidic poor quality oil mixture diet.
The endogenous fatty acid profile contained mainly Palmitic, Stearic, Oleic and Linoleic acids (generally present in blended fat in a more balanced way).


1.        Freeman C.P. (1984) The digestion, absorption and transport of fats-non ruminants in Wiseman, J.(Ed), Fats in Animal Nutrition, Butterworths, London, U.K.
2.        Krogdahl, A.(1985) Digestion and absorption of lipid in poultry, Journal of Nutrition
3.        Smulikowska, S.(1998) Relationship between the stage of digestive tract development in chicks and the effect of viscosity reducing enzymes on fat digestion, Journal of Animal and Feed sciences
4.        Klasing K.C.(1999) Avian gastrointestinal anatomy and physiology, Proceedings of seminar in avian and exotic pet medicine.
5.        Sklan, D.Shachaf,B. Baron, J. and Hurwitz, S.(1978) Retrograde movement of digesta in the duodenum of the chick; extent,frequency, and nutritional implications, journal of nutrition.
6.        Yeh , Y.H. and Hwang, D.F.(2001) High-performance liquid chromatographic determination for bile components in fish, chicken and duck, Journal of chromatography B: biomedical Sciences and Applications
7.        Garrett, R.L. and Young, R.J.(1975) Effect of micelle formation on the absorption of neutral fat and fatty acids by the chicken, Journal of Nutrition
8.        Erlanson,C, Fernlund, P. and Borgstrom, B(1973), Purification and characterization of two proteins with co-lipase activity from porcine pancreas, Biochemica et Biophysica Acta
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11.     Piyamas Tancharoenrat, 2012, A thesis presented for Doctor of philosophy in poultry nutrition at Massey Universit, Palmerston North, New Zealand, Factors influencing fat digestion in Poultry.
12.     Freeman C.P. (1976) Digestion and Absorption of fat. In Boorman, K.N. and Wiseman, J.(Ed) Digestion in the Fowl.
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16.     Davenport, H.W. (1980) Physiology of the digestive tract, The year book Medical Publishers, Inc. London
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Sunday, 3 April 2016

RNK AGRO BROFAT TEAM 29-31st March 2016

Our Managing Director Shri Rohit Kedia addressed the gathering and expressed his happiness over the exuberance and confidence of TEAM BROFAT. He said "we have come through a long journey of 9 successful years ever since the product launch which was designed after many years of  research and trials under various conditions in India and abroad. " He further added that "there is no doubt in my mind that BROFAT would be an important additive for poultry diet in coming years as there is worldwide shortage of vegetable oils for human consumption and it would be a national waste to use edible oils for animal feed, when inedible oils properly blended and treated can very well serve the purpose efficiently". He  made some interesting announcements on  company's plans and strategies and gave his input for the TEAM BROFAT to discuss during the course of this three day session. He was kind enough to stay for one full session wherein Newsletter; Hindi Literature, Hindi Banner and Posters were launched. He also had lunch with every member present and discussed their individual ambitions and plans. He graciously attended  Cocktail and Dinner later in the day.

Some Important decisions were taken at this session besides analysis of past years performance.

1. It was decided that due to variable market conditions and ever changing dynamics of Poultry industry we shall hereafter work on quarterly plans and reviews in place of Half yearly and  Annual system.
2. New sales strategies were discussed and some interesting strategies were decided to improve sales and customer relations.
3.Uniform for the TEAM BROFAT to be provided  with a condition that every one should wear them while on work, 
4.Ideal formulations and technical services to be provided by the company and monitored for performance by the field staff under technical departments supervision.
5.Award for performances of customers such as best FCR, Best Farm management, Best Bio security implementation etc. will be announced.
6. Awards for TEAM BROFAT were planned 
7. Due to increasing popularity of our News Letters it was decided to expand the reach by including more names and addresses.
8. Our efforts to bring awareness about blended fat through seminars. literature and exhibitions should continue.
9. It was agreed that we shall make more and more literature in local language for better and wider reach.
10.Targets were fixed for Bio security and farm management training for every member of the TEAM BROFAT

MD Mr Rohit Kedia addresses the  TEAM BROFAT
MD Mr Rohit Kedia gives his suggestions to the gathering
Director Mr. Ajaya Sharma thanks the MD and pushes the TEAM BROFAT to do better
MD Mr Rohit Kedia unveils Hindi Banner
Unveiling of News Letter Jan-Feb 2016
Unveiling of Hindi Leaflet

Md Mr Rohit Kedia felicitating Mr Pandit Shelar-Area Manager West for best performance BIO SECURITY

Proud Owner of BIO SECURITY for Trophy Mr Pandit Shelar Area Manager West

 Mr Sovani GM Sales makes a presentation on Marketing techniques
Mr Santhosh Naik-Area Manager-karnataka makes his presentation on Farmer training
Mr Soumen Malakar Area Manager West Bengal makes his presentation on Farm Management
Sales Executive- Kolhapur Mr Rustam makes his presentation
GM Technical Dr Sanjib Pratihar clarifies some point
Karnakata Team listen with intent-Mr Santhosh Naik-Area Manager flanked by Mr R.Raju Area Sales Executive
                                    Master of Ceremonies Mr Srikanth Samala-Sales Coordinator proposes vote of thanks
From right to left- Mr Rustam Khagwadkar-executive-Kolhapur, Mr P.Suresh kumar, Area Manager TS & AP& CG; Mr.Soumen Malakar, Area Manager West Bengal,Assam & North east; Dr.Sanjib kumar Pratihar-G.M. Technical; Mr Bansilal Sovani, GM Sales; Mr Ramdass Nirgude-Area Manager-Nashik and Gujarat;Mr Santhosh Thube-Sales executive, Nagar and Aurangabad
From Left to right-Mr Rustam Khagwadkar-Sales executive-Kolhapur; Mr Pandit Shelar, Area Sales manager-West; Mr Srikanth Samala-Sales coordinator; Mr R.Raju Sales executive-Karnataka; Mr Santhosh Naik-Area Manager- Karnataka


                                                                            Formulation Software training session

                                                      Formulation software training session watched with intent

Lunch Session
Left to right: Mr R.Raju, Mr B.Sovani, Mr Santosh Thube, Mr Ajaya Sharma, Mr Santhosh Naik, Mr Pandit Shelar, Mr Rustam, Mr Ramdass Nirgude

Left to right-Mr B.Sovani, Mr Soumen Malakar, Mr Srikanth Samala, Mr Ajaya Sharma, Mr Mansoor Ali, Mr P.Suresh Kumar, Dr.Sanjib Kumar Pratihar, Mr.Ramdass Nirgude
Left to right-Ms.G.Anjanadevi, Mr Srikanth Samala, Mr Ajaya Sharma, Mr P.Suresh Kumar, Mr Mansoor Ali, 

Mr Ajaya Sharma-Director and Mr Mansoor MD
BROFAT TEAM with Managing Director Mr Rohit Kedia
Sales Coordinators with Mr Ajaya Sharma